
Managing Human Issues

People cannot be managed in the same way as resources - equipment, technology, information, raw materials, financing, etc. - simply because human functioning does not follow the same logic as the production of a good or service. - simply because human functioning does not follow the same logic as that applied to the production of a good or service.





The pandemic and the changes it generates have significant negative effects on companies and work teams. In addition, the shortage of manpower is increasing the pressure on managers and employees.

This program is for any manager who wants to:
Mobilize all team members towards the achievement of a collective project;
Organize the work to give each partner responsibility according to his or her dominant personality;
Communicate in such a way that a message is received and, above all, accepted;
Evaluate the work in such a way as to encourage each partner to continue to invest in the collective project;
Adapting one's own attitudes and behaviours to take advantage of continuous change, and then getting team members to do the same.
Tools to manage work teams where there is:
low workforce retention;
low mobilization of employees around central projects;
Many employees are exhausted or unmotivated;
Communication is difficult (telecommuting);
attracting new employees is difficult, putting pressure on current employees.

A personalized Human Issues Management approach will develop managers' abilities to: mobilize, organize, communicate, evaluate and adapt in order to improve the way they get their team members to invest individually and collectively in the realization of a project.


  • Training/Coaching/Individual online coaching (Zoom or Teams platform) with an experienced coach;
  • Self-assessment tool Review of my human issues management completed before starting the program;
  • Manual Exploring the soft side of management (302 pages);
  • Flexible schedule according to the participant's availability;
  • 23 hours of intervention divided into sessions of one to two hours each;
  • Possibility of a grant from Services Québec;
  • Possibility of private groups.