M3I represents a management philosophy based on the HUMAN potential of the employees and we must work to develop this potential. We believe in this way of thinking that places the human being at the center of all organizational development.
I love the whole concept because it is beneficial for everyone, at all levels of the hierarchy. Because it is brilliant, plausible and strikingly accurate in its descriptions of each of the characters. Because it is easy to understand, memorize and use, and quickly. Also, because it is complete in terms of the ways in which the characters think, function, act and are interested.
I have a new international mandate. I have to get teams of engineers, located in different countries, to work together on common projects. I have my M3i notes with me, I intend to read them again! I have to admit that the training and coaching allowed me to have great success with my team in Quebec City, which proved to be a springboard for this mandate.
I am currently working in a company that has integrated M3I in a remarkable way, they use it avidly. Our meetings are extraordinary moments of sharing and complicity. The M3I language is part of everyone's daily life. For me, this is a clear sign of the success of the M3I concept and its relevance to managers.
M3I would have made my job easier by helping me to understand the deep motivations of my collaborators. The testimonies I receive during training or coaching reinforce my faith in M3I. And I hope to continue to work on understanding the human functioning in organizations and thus enable managers, if possible, to make their task easier.